Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big Mac Price and Salary Comparison

This bar chart shows us how long a cleaner should work in McDonalds before he can afford to buy a Big Mac, in eleven Asian/ Pacific countries. In addition, it shows the exact cost of a Big Mac in US dollars, in the different countries.

The most noticeable point in the chart is that in South and East Asian countries (Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and China) the workers have the longest working hours in order to be able to afford a Big Mac. The working hours in those countries are between 4 to 14 hours. In the richer countries such as Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand the cleaners have the least working hours according to this chart. In those countries the Big Mac costs less than one dollar. Whereas in the poorer countries like Pakistan, South Korea and Sri Lanka the Big Mac costs more than one US dollar.

To sum up, there is a big difference between the working hours in the poorer and the richer countries. According to the working hours the ability of buying a Big Mac sandwich differs.